The Devil's Tone and the Frequency of Love

Recently, I reached out to a producer on LinkedIn to see if he would be willing to record music in 528 Kilohertz (kHz).  His response was “lol.”  He either thought I was joking or was making fun of my inquiry since the current industry standard for recording music is 440 Kilohertz (kHz).  What does this mean?  This means that most digital audio workstations for recording, editing, creating, producing and mastering music (such as Pro Tools) are set to 440 kHz by the manufacturers who make them and by the producers and musicians who use them since they want a chance for their creations and music to be accepted by the mainstream.  Additionally, all electronic instruments are generally set to 440 kHz and all acoustic instruments are generally tuned to 440 kHz.  

When working with a producer recently, I tried to get him to record in 432 kHz but he said “no” so I had to record in 440 kHz.  The universe is run by sacred geometry and math.  And music is a universal language.  I had heard that “according to music theory, A=432 Hz is mathematically consistent with the universe. This is known as Verdi's 'A' – named after Giuseppe Verdi, a famous Italian composer. Music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and brighter, and is said to provide greater clarity and is easier on the ears.”   Is is also supposed to be more meditative and healing to listen to.  For more information about 432 kHz, check out the following website:,is%20easier%20on%20the%20ears

I became inspired to write a blog on the “devil’s tone” and the love frequency after reading Salini’s book Emerging from the Matrix.  While I favored 432 kHz over 440 kHz prior to reading this book, Salini’s wisdom and knowledge led me to favor another frequency:  528 kHz also called “the love frequency.”  Much of the information in this blog comes from Salini’s book and you will see quotations where I have quoted the book word for word. 

Music became standardized to 440 Kilohertz (kHz) in 1939, just before WWII, by Josef Goebbels and the global elite.  It was discovered, by the elite, that 440 kHz can create fear, chaos, and disharmony. Therefore, it's been called “the devil’s tone.”  Music has become a form of mind control ever since and the standard use of this tone started in large part with the ushering in of rock and roll music in the 1950’s.  This is why some people called rock and roll “the devil’s music.” 

The Devil’s Tone is “the one dissonant tone on the musical scale, F# (741), which brings chaos into consciousness.  The frequency associated with this tone is 440 kHz.  This tone suppresses the heart chakra and keeps consciousness stuck at low levels.”  When piped out to the masses, this frequency creates an atmosphere of chaos and fear, making it easier to control people.  The movie, Yellow Submarine, is the story of how healing music was suppressed in this way.   “In the movie, the Blue meanies covered the vibrational love tone of 528 kHz, the C note on the musical scale, with fog so they couldn’t play it anymore.  It was the Beatles’ parable about musical tyranny to the world.” 

“A Kilohertz, abbreviated kHz or KHz, is a unit of alternating current (AC) or electromagnetic (EM) wave frequency equal to one thousand hertz (1000 Hz).  The unit is also used in measurements or statements of signal bandwidth.”  It is considered the measurement of the minimum required electromagnetic frequency of the human body required to maintain optimal health. 

“The vibration of love is 528 kHz.”  “It heals and repairs the body and restores DNA.”   “Music played at 528 kHz will open and heal your heart chakra sending the love vibration throughout your body.”  Whereas as 440 kHz focuses on the head and mind (therefore, making one more susceptible to mind control) and suppresses the heart chakra, 528 kHz is the vibration of love and is the same vibration of green plants in nature, of the center of the sun and of your heart chakra. 

John Lennon’s masterpiece, Imagine, was written in 528 kHz and it was the first major song written in this key.  Lennon’s Working Class Hero was also written in this key of love.  It wasn’t long after this that Lennon was killed. 

We have been controlled and suppressed and divided by being forced to record and listen to music in 440 kHz for too long now.  This is a call to all musicians and healers to record, produce and perform in 528 kHz. If your tuning device does not go up to 528 kHz, at the very least tune to 432 kHz which is superior to 440 kHz. It is time for a renaissance, a new golden age, to be ushered in.